Музыкальный Альбом Фредерика Деларю
Frederic Delarue - Symphony of Light
(Симфония Света)
Описание и список треков альбома
"Симфония света" является четвертым сольным инструментальным альбомом пианиста / клавишника Фредерика Деларю и, возможно, это его лучшая работа на сегодняшний день. Этот альбом можно назвать: "Когда великие композиторы играют с Фредериком Деларю...". Смешиванием оригинальной музыки с фразами из классических произведений, Frederic Delarue создал коллекцию музыки, которая тепла, часто радостна и очень безмятежна.
Музыкант говорит, что классическая музыка пришла к нему, когда он работал над альбомом, в естественном потоке. И он должен был предполагать, какие части были бы созданы после уже написанных произведений классиков. Интересный процесс!
The Rebecca Review: "In Symphony of Light Frederic Delarue not only channels his angelic muse, he explores beautiful classical selections as they appear to him throughout his playing. This is a unique experience and I would recommend that you first listen to "Voyage of the Soul" to truly understand the heart of Frederic Delarue. To fully enjoy this selection you have to be aware that he is "channeling" musical masters and that this is a celebration of classical music.
His inspiration includes: "Fur Elise," "Moonlight Sonata," "Mozart's Symphony #40." He also draws on inspiration from Strauss, Tchaikovsky and Schubert. His playing embodies a sense of tranquility and in this creation he draws on the past to unveil even more beauty captured in classical music. This is a warm and calming escape that has moments of recognition throughout, but retains Frederic Delarue's own sense of timing and energy. As a pianist/keyboardist he excels at creating musical landscapes filled with light and love.
This album is no exception, but is exceptional in depth and the range of musical possibility. Frederic Delarue is also featured on the benefit album Cousteau's Dream along with Yanni, Kenny G, Kitaro and Vangelis. He was born in Chartres, France, so, it is no wonder his music embraces the heights of the spiritual experience all while remaining grounded in a sense of profound moments of joy as experienced here on earth. He has also recently toured Japan and Washington State, USA. If you open your heart to Frederic Delarue's creations you will be blessed by a feeling of peace and beauty.
You will also gain a sense of a renewed clarity of vision. His playing is truly a gift from celestial realms and he seems to mainly channel the love of God in his heart-filled expressions. After listening to his music I feel as content as a kitten curled up in a warm blanket. It is truly a thing of beauty and this CD in particular takes me back to the days when my mother would play classical music as I fell asleep.
I like the cover of this album because it seems to speak of an openness to receiving love/light from God and giving it back to the world. Truly when you hear all of Frederic Delarue's CDs, you know he is connected to the source of love."
формат .mp3, битрейт 256 kbps, 14 треков
01 - Frederic Delarue - Heart Illumination (3:53)
02 - Frederic Delarue - Beauty Of Forgiveness (4:42)
03 - Frederic Delarue - Flying Over The Canyons (4:29)
04 - Frederic Delarue - The Sounds Of Intensity (3:49)
05 - Frederic Delarue - The Scents Of Joy (2:47)
06 - Frederic Delarue - A Rainbow Of Flowers (2:55)
07 - Frederic Delarue - In The Palm Of God's Hand (4:06)
08 - Frederic Delarue - Riviere De Lumiere (2:13)
09 - Frederic Delarue - Symphony Of Light (5:07)
10 - Frederic Delarue - A Concert From Heaven (4:06)
11 - Frederic Delarue - The Colors Of Harmony (4:07)
12 - Frederic Delarue - A Morning At The Spring (4:31)
13 - Frederic Delarue - The Angel On The Mountain (2:36)
14 - Frederic Delarue - The Emotion Of Love (5:00)
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